Our office will be closed for the holiday season starting Thursday, 12/23 at Noon and will resume regular business hours Monday, 1/03/2022. To contact our office please call 806-762-0123 or send an email to openminds@stjohnslubbock.org
You can watch our Sunday morning worship services at 10:30 a.m. online on Facebook & YouTube.
“The season of Advent, which comes comes from the Latin word adventus meaning “coming” or “visit,” begins four Sundays before Christmas and ends on Christmas Eve. Advent is the beginning of the church year for Christians.
During Advent, we prepare for and anticipate the coming of Christ. We remember the longing of Jews for a Messiah and our own longing for and need of forgiveness, salvation and a new beginning. Even as we look back and celebrate the birth of Jesus in a humble stable in Bethlehem, we also look forward anticipating the second coming of Christ as the fulfillment of all that was promised by his first coming.”
Taken from “To Be United Methodist: What Is Advent?”
Christmas Poinsettias
The 2021 Christmas Poinsettias adorning our sanctuary this Advent/Christmas season are dedicated to the honor of special persons in our lives and in memory of our loved ones.
Poinsettias will be displayed in the Sanctuary on Christmas Eve and will be available to take home after the services.
Poinsettias are $15.00 each and will help support the various ministries of St. John’s.

© Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity & the team at A Sanctified Art
Do You Have A Question About Our Advent Season?
Feel free to contact the church office at 806-762-0123 or email us at Openminds@stjohnslubbock.org and we’ll help you out!