Why We’re Staying United Methodist.
For many years there has been division in the greater United Methodist Church. Amidst all of the division and chaos, some local congregations have decided to leave the denomination. St. John’s UMC, a reconciling congregation, is proud to remain in and be part of the United Methodist Church.
Active and retired clergy of the NWTX Conference of the UMC have teamed up with St. John’s to produce informational testimonials on the many reasons we are staying in the United Methodist Church. Dubbed “We Are The Church,” this online series aims to create a conversation in churches on both sides of the division.
Why are we staying United Methodist?
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All Are Welcome Here.
St. John’s UMC voted in 1998 to partner with the Reconciling Ministries Network, becoming a reconciling congregation, affirming the sacred worth of all LGBTQIA+ individuals, and welcoming them into the full life of the church with open arms.